Chinese products always advocate "low-price and high-quality", low cost leads to low price, the price factor become a important weight for enterprises to capture market. 我国企业的产品向来崇尚“物美价廉”,低成本导致低价格,价格因素成为企业争取市场的一个重要砝码。
The price factor has caused Amazon to lose some of its market power as it doesn't provide majority of its services for free. 由于它不能提供的大部分服务要收取费用,价格因素导致亚马逊失去了一些市场力量。
Analyzing the Price Factor of the Tax Growth Rate Higher Than GDP Growth Rate China 试析中国税收增长率高于GDP增长率的价格因素
The real growth of total retail sales of consumer goods was 10.2 percent if price factor was taken into consideration. 考虑物价下降因素,社会消费品零售总额比上年实际增长10.2%。
The real growth is 7.8%, if price factor was taken into consideration. 考虑价格下降因素,实际增长7.8%。
The real growth was14.8% after deducting the price factor. 扣除价格因素,实际增长14.8%,增速比上年回落2.1个百分点。
The real growth was 10.2 percent when the price factor is taken into account. 剔除价格因素,实际增长10.2%。
The price factor has little impact on balancing the market supply and demand and the non-price factor became essential factor to balance the market supply and demand. 价格因素对市场供求均衡的作用有限,非价格因素成为市场供求均衡的要素;
Historical volatility Black-Scholes model with price factor is a better pricing model. 加上股价因子的历史波动性Black-Scholes模型具有较好的定价精度,反映了香港不同于国外市场的一些运作特征;
Authority invalidation within an enterprise and abnormal flow of labor force result in the deviant changes of contracts, and that shows enterprise's contracts are influenced by price factor. 企业内权威失效、人力资本要素异常流动导致的非正常合约变迁等许多现象表明企业合约受价格因素的作用和影响;
The city land price is combined with the price factor corresponding to the values for using of the city land. 城市地价是与城市土地的各项使用价值相对应的价格因数的有机组合。
The Cobb-Douglas equation corrected for the price factor; 用价格因子作修正的CobbDoglas方程供给方程;
Analysis on Price Factor of International Pipeline Engineering 国际长输管道工程价格因素分析
The inventory decision has been affected by many factors, which include price factor, cost factor, demand factor, and the relation between the products. 库存决策受到了很多因素的影响:包括价格因素、成本因素、需求量因素、产品之间的关联因素等。
In contrast, price factor is an endogenous variable enterprise's contract in a market. Enterprises are actually dynamic contract serials with the prices-which are decided mainly by the variety of the prices of labor force, to be exact. 相反,价格因素其实是企业合约的内生变量,市场里的企业其实是一个随价格变化的动态合约序列,确切地讲,企业是一主要由人力资本价格变化所决定的动态合约序列。
Moreover, relative importance of all these factors was analyzed in this paper, and the result shows that aftersales service factor and green and environmental protection factor are the most important factors, and price factor and brand factor, relatively the least important. 另外,本文还进一步分析了这些因素对大学生购买电脑的相对重要性,结果表明,售后服务与绿色环保因素是最重要的两个影响因素,而价格与品牌则是相对最不重要的因素。
Firstly, effect of price factor means the price is high or low. Secondly, it means difference between actual price and market price. 价格因素的影响首先指市场价格的高低;其次指的是农户所面临的实际价格与市场价格之间的差距。
It is concluded, apart from price factor, product quality and product brand, environmental factor, to a certain degree, plays a decisive role in corn competitiveness. 通过分析认为,除价格因素、产品质量和产品品牌外,随着国际社会对环境保护的重视,环境因素一定程度上对玉米国际竞争力起到决定性的作用。
Learned by analyzing the non-price factors ( such as perceived risk, perceived alternative, consumers benefit assessment, etc.) with the price factor, as it will also significantly affect the non-deceptive counterfeit consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. 通过分析了解到非价格因素(如风险感知、感知替代性、消费者利益评估等)同价格因素一样,同样会显著影响消费者的非欺骗性假冒品购买态度及意向。
The nature of the statistical analysis, research, analytical, normative describes the method to solve the fair value to see our property price factor and especially from the fair value. 本文采用统计性分析,规范性研究,描述性分析等方法来解决公允价值视角下我国商品房价格的因素及其悖离公允价值的原因。
This article through to the problems existing in the business of A bank bills, analyzes the market factors, process factor, price factor, marketing factors. 论文通过对A银行票据业务存在的问题入手,分析了市场因素、流程因素、定价因素、营销因素。
Once turned to competition, it means that the price factor to become leading factor in the project. 一旦转向竞争,就意味着价格因素成为通信工程项目的主导力量。
The hypothesis that price is exogenous variable is abandoned and the demand changes with the price changes. The price factor is considered in the previous basic mechanism of supply chain option contract in retailer-led supply chain. 摒弃前面价格是外生变量的假设,认为需求是随价格的变化而变化,将价格因素引入到上述零售商主导的供应链期权契约的基本机制中。
In different gender on public factor analysis, the male consumer satisfaction than women, and comprehensive services to consumers quality factor, hardware facilities factor, consumer price factor and auxiliary service factor has a clear differences. 在不同性别对公共因子分析中,男性消费者的满意程度高于女性消费者,并且对综合服务质量因子、硬件设施因子、消费价格因子和辅助服务因子有着明显的差异。
In the price factor and the policy factors, the supermarket also has a higher level. 而在价格因素和超市政策因素方面,该超市也具有较高的水平。
Through the description of the statistics, the best informed of the impact of e-business retail marketing reform model of the factors are: information technology, the price factor and goods factor. 通过描述统计,获知了最能影响零售企业进行电子商务营销模式变革的因素分别是:信息技术因素、价格因素和商品因素。
As the influence real estate price factor is multitudinous, it is discovered that the city competitive ability and the multitudinous factors has the close relation. 影响房价的因素众多,本文发现城市竞争力和影响房价的众多因素之间有密切的联系。
The results show that the supermarkets indicators that the students value most are the level of service and price, and the level of service level in the shopping process value more than the price factor. 结果表明,大学生最看重的超市指标为服务水平和价格水平,并且消费水平的提高和消费观念的转变使得大学生在购物过程中对服务水平的重视程度超过了价格因素。